Grades 9-10 Video Solutions 2024
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Carl always tells the truth or always lies on alternate days. One day, he made exactly four of the following five statements. Which one could he not have made on that day? This question can be done by deduction. First, note that statement B can only be made by a person who lies on that day. Looking at the statements D and E, we know that they cannot both be true. Therefore, we have at least two statements that must be lies. Therefore, we know that Carl must be lying today, so we cannot make the statement C. And we know that C is a true statement, and the answer is C.
Video Summary
Carl always tells the truth or always lies on alternate days. One day, he made exactly four of the following five statements. Which one could he not have made on that day? This question can be done by deduction. First, note that statement B can only be made by a person who lies on that day. Looking at the statements D and E, we know that they cannot both be true. Therefore, we have at least two statements that must be lies. Therefore, we know that Carl must be lying today, so we cannot make the statement C. And we know that C is a true statement, and the answer is C.
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