Webinar Recordings SET A for Grades 1-2
Webinar 1 Recording
Webinar 1 Recording
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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Mass Canberra webinar for the level one and two. So my name is Lucia. I will be your instructor for the next 10 lessons. My TA is Dan. So we all work together to help you in this session. And this is a webinar. So we will record the session and we share the recording after each class. We do not let you turn on your camera to protect your privacy. And we do not have time to do the question and answer. But you can send a chat to Dan to ask some questions and we try our best to answer you. So I would like to go through ground rules for this session. So you will keep your video off and voice muted all the time. And like I mentioned, we record all the lessons. And this is a larger group lesson. So we couldn't do the question answer. We couldn't have much more interaction except we will use the poll to ask you to work on the question. We collect the answer and we explain the solution. So you can chat to Dan. He will try his best to answer your question. But because we are busy with the webinar, so we might not answer all the questions. We try to accommodate the pace for the more students. But this is a big session. We will try our best. And we recommend you to focus in the class and prepare for the paper and the pencil and also your student handout. And Dan, can you share the link again? So the link I just posted. So if some students couldn't find where is the handout, they can use the link to print the lesson handout. Before we start the lesson, so we want to give you a brief introduction. What is Maths Kangaroo Computation? Have you ever participated in Maths Kangaroo Computation before? Dan, can you open the warm up question? So that's the question we want to ask the students and let them to practice how to use the poll. Yeah, can you launch the warm up question? Sure, give me a second. Yeah, let me launch. Yeah, no worries. So when I launch the poll, you couldn't see other only you see the question here. Yeah. Yeah, very nice. We give you this question. So I'd like you to experience how to answer the poll question. So the first question is. So what is Maths Kangaroo? Yeah, what is Maths Kangaroo? So this question. Oh, so this is a question I want to ask first. Yeah, ask them to experience how to use the poll to answer the question. Also know how many students have taken Maths Kangaroo Computation before. Yeah, so that I could give the introduction accordingly. Okay, so I think most of you answer the question. And we barely have had with some students participated before. I know because you're a first grader and a second grader. Yeah, you just started. Yeah, so no worries. Yeah. Okay. So here, what is Maths Kangaroo Computation? So this is the international Maths Computation. It would happen every March on the third Thursday. And we will have more than 100 countries host a Maths Kangaroo Computation. And there are 60 million students every year attend the computation. So you would have this one. This is an individual test. It's the last 75 minutes. You will meet many interesting questions. So multiple choice there. Every question has five options. So there are only ones right. And at your level, you will have 24 questions. So those question has the easy questions, three sessions, the three point session, there are eight questions, four point session, eight question and five point session, eight question. So you would know by the question number, you would know how hard the question would be. Yeah, Maths Kangaroo Computation, it's open to all the US students from grade one to grade 12. Even some kindergarten students, you can join the competition, register as grade one students. Any student, if you could read and answer on your own, so you can register for the competition. We are now open the competition. You can go to our website to find the center to register. If you would like your school to host this competition, you can reach out to us, ask for the invitation letter, and you can send it to your school to ask them to host the competition and you can compete with your friends together at your school. So Maths Kangaroo Computation is more like a box of chocolate with a mystery flavor. So you'll never know until you touch those problems. So those problems, they are not very straightforward problems like you usually do at school. So we do not do the very straightforward calculations or some of the basic concepts. So we always involve problem solving and critical thinking skills. You can see this is some samples from the level one and level two test. The first eight questions we mentioned is pretty easy. Yeah, but the next 16 questions, it's a little harder. So you might use some strategies to help you to solve the problem. During the whole session, we will introduce the most popular strategies to help you solve the problem. You can see here, we list some of the strategies here. It's a joint picture, find a pattern, make a table, make organized list, work backwards, guess and check. So we will focus on one strategy every class, each lesson, and then you can learn those kinds of problems. And you will solve some of the easy questions and hard questions with the real and the previous test questions. So you would get a clear idea what Maths Kangaroo questions look like and how could you do the computation in real time later. Yeah. So here we want to introduce another tool to help you to solve the problem. As we mentioned, you need to read the question very carefully and check the picture very carefully to solve the question. So first step, when you try to solve the problem, you need to understand the problem. You need to know all the details and know all the hidden information and check all the pictures. And you need to find out what question to ask for. Sometimes you might answer the wrong question. So that should be very careful. It happened to some students. And then the next step, you will plan how to solve this problem. So you need to figure out what type of this problem would it be. Is this a pattern problem or is this like you can use the work backwards. Yeah. So they give you the result. You work backwards. So you need to figure out what type of question and then you select the strategy. Maybe one, maybe more help you to solve. And then the third step, you need to write down the solution steps. Yeah. Step by step. And that will help you to check your answer later. Yeah. We do not recommend you to always do the mental math because that's easy to forget the steps after you move on to the new question. So once you finish each question with a fresh memory, we recommend you to check your answer quickly. You might put your answer back to the question or you'll use other approach to check your answer. So remember, you need to check your answer. So do not just move on directly. So here we will work on the patterns in the first lesson. So the pattern, what is pattern? Pattern is something it changes in a specific way. I know you might already meet some patterns, learn some patterns at school or some other places. So the pattern can be repeated. All can be follow a specific rule and they arrange the numbers, the shapes, the colors. Yeah. So when you create a pattern, you must follow a rule. So you see the word is very important. So without the rule, there is no pattern. Yeah. So you can imagine patterns everywhere in our world. So like you every day during the school days, every morning, you have your daily routine. You get up, put on your clothes, brush your teeth, wash your face, eat breakfast and go to school. So every school day morning, you repeat the same routine. So that's a pattern. And today, today is a Sunday. And the next seven days later, we will have another Sunday come back. So this is the repeating pattern. Yeah. And also you could see the patterns. We gave you the example here. You could see there is a growing pattern. You'll find a bunch of numbers or items. They keep increasing by a rule. So here you could see this is even numbers. You know, that's add by two. Yeah. And also you have a shrinking pattern. You reduce the item and reduce the numbers and by the sequential order. So this is also you reduce by two every time. So those the most popular type of the pattern you would see. And sometimes there might be some mixed pattern together. So we would see in the question. Yeah. Pattern is very important. Patterns everywhere. So when you grow older, so you will find a more complicated pattern. Pattern is a super helpful. May you meet very complicated problem. Once you identify the pattern, you can break it down to the simple, simple steps to solve this problem. And you can predict what's coming next. And it's easy to have you to analyze the data. So that's why we want to introduce a pattern. This is the most popular strategy we used to solve the math problem. OK, so let's work on our the first question. Dan, would you like to read this question? Sure. Fill in the empty space. Mark with the question mark on the fourth car from the left. Your answer. Your answer choices are A5, B10, C25, D50 or E60. Thank you, Dan. So we give some time to students and then we could launch the poll because we do not have a picture in the poll. So please, you watch my screen and work on your handout. This one might not have on the handout. So you can just remember which one you selected, which option you selected. Yeah. And then put it into the poll. So this is a three point question. So we give you the. We give you one minute, one and a half minute. So this is a webinar. There is no answer question. So we we won't have a time to answer your question, but we will share the recording. I know some students join late, so I would like to repeat. So the rule for this lesson, this is a recording session and we will not let you turn on your camera. We don't speak with you during the session, but you can chat, send a chat to Dan or to me and ask us some questions. We try our best to answer your question. So, if you do not see the polling option, I think you might need to check your computer. Sometimes you might have the sighting, so ask your parents to help you. So when we launch the poll, so I think most students could see it on your screen. And you might not see my question anymore. So that's why I will ask you to remember your option and input your answer and we will share the result soon. Once most of the students answer the question. So I think that we can share the result. So could you see the result? Yeah, okay. So we have all correct answer. Very good. So proud of you. So you are all good at this pattern. So this is a number pattern. So you could figure out that this is a reduced by 10. It's very easy to find. It's not a hard question. This is a three point question. So you would see in the real computation, you might have this kind of problems. Yeah, you can solve it very fast. And you figure out you reduce by 10. So the question mark, they ask for the question mark. So that's from 70 to you need to reduce 10. So you get 60. This is very easy. The E is the right answer. So everyone who submitted the answer, you got the correct answer. Congratulations. Thank you. Yeah. Next question. Number two. This is still three point question. Dan, would you like to read this question? Sure. After one comes three, after three comes five, after five comes seven, what comes after seven? Yeah, there is no question in the handout. The handout only help you to solve the problem during the class. We only share the pictures in the handout. So that's easy for you to work on the handout to solve the problem. We wouldn't share the questions on the handout. And also the handout do not have all the pictures for every question. Because some question is a word problem, not picture. The question is on my screen. And later we will share the recording. Not every question on the handout, especially for the word problem. Very good. Yeah, so Dan, could you quickly explain this question? Yeah, share the result. All correct. Who answered the question, all correct. Good job. So every number is two greater than the previous number. And since the last number is seven, the next number would be nine. Yeah, this is what we call the growing pattern, yeah? So you increase the number by two every time, yeah. Okay, so we still work on the number patterns again. So later we will change it to the shape pattern, yeah. So here is a still number patterns, yeah. So what number comes next in this pattern? You have 18, 15, 12, and nine. What's coming next? So we give you one minute to solve, and later we launch the poll. When we launch the poll, you might not see my screen anymore. So please remember your answer choice. We start with some easy questions and later we will have some challenging questions. I already shared my screen, and Dan, can you see my screen? Yes. Okay. Yeah, thank you. So we are just the pace. Yeah, for the students. Because the question we just asked all the students also the correct answer. So I know maybe the parents help, but please do not have your students, let them to select the answer by themselves. Otherwise, we do not know the real level, we might go faster. So my current page, it's A, B, C, D, E, A is 3, B is 8, C is 7, D is 11, E is 6. Dan, can you see my screen? Yes, I can see your screen. Yeah, parents ask couldn't see the screen. I think you might need to check your setting. Yeah, maybe re-enter the meeting. Okay, let's launch this poll. So please do not help your kids to answer the question. Because the first question we found all students answer correct. So that's why we could move faster. If we know the students have some questions, we will make it, you know, slower. Yeah, but if you help your students, we do not know your kids' real level. We still don't get every answer, correct? Yeah, then can you share the result? So you can see the result. All the students who answer the question, you get the correct answer. Congratulations, you are really good at the pattern. So let's stop sharing. Yeah, so let's explain quickly. Because you are all correct, make the answer correct. So we do not spend much more time on that. Yeah. So here you could see the number, how they change. 18 to 15, you could see your minus three. And also to 12, 15 minus three. And to nine, 12 minus three. So you figure out the rule here. That's minus three each time. So now you could figure out nine minus three, you lead to six. So this is answer E. Congratulations, you all get the correct answer. Let's see the next question. Dan, can you read this question? This is a little challenging one. Sure. Which number should replace the question mark in the pyramid? A, 12. B, six. C, nine. D, 24. Or E, 10. Look at the question number. It's a 21. This is a five point question. Yeah, this is not easy one. And we will give you a little more time for this question. So we give you around three minutes or maybe two and a half minutes. We gave some time to the class to answer the question. And this is a big session class. We received the feedback from the parent. They said it's too fast. And someone said it's too slow. So we try our best to adjust our pace based on the student's response. So please do not help your students answer the question. So let them to try on themselves. We try our best. But you know, this is a big session. We receive the feedback as opposite opinions. So we will try to see from the students' responses. And we adjust our pace. And usually for the five-point question, so students would take two to three minutes to solve during the computation. So that's why I set up a timer to give you the sense about how much time you would use for the different section questions. Yeah, this question we have a different answer choice. So, Dan, can you share the result, so everyone would know. Yeah, you can see the answer choice. Most of you pick the D. Yeah, this is the correct answer. Congratulations. And some of you pick the different answer. So Dan will explain the solution to you. Okay, so in the diagram, we see we have a pyramid with one and three below four and four and two below six. And from this, we can figure out that the number above two blocks is the sum of those blocks. And now we're looking at the question mark and the two numbers below the question mark are 11 and 13. 11 plus 13 is 24. So the answer is 24. Thank you. Yeah, so this is a pattern. So like a triangle, you can see the triangle part. So the two bottom number added together equal the top number. Very good. So let's see the next one. So here you could see the step-by-step. So you could check your answer. Once you figure out the one plus three equals four, and you find the seven in the middle part, because at the beginning, they didn't give you that number, you need to spot that number first. So once you figure out that number, and you can check if you add four plus seven, if you make 11, so that means you find the correct rule. So then you could figure out the final answer for the question mark would be 11 plus 13. Yeah. Okay, let's see the next question. So this one, we still work on the numbers. Yeah, so we work on the number patterns first and later we change it to other kind of pattern. So which number should replace the question mark in the pyramid? Similar question. So this is also a five-point question, so that's why we leave a little longer time. With the easy question, we will set up the short time. Okay, so let's launch a pool. Any more answers? Okay, let's share the result. So you can see most of you select the correct answer. Very good. So let's quickly go through this question. You could see what they're looking for. They look for the question mark in the middle part. And you need to figure out what rule here. So this time, it's not you add the bottom two numbers. You get the top number. This time you actually could figure out. You use the bottom two numbers, subtract the number, second number from the first number, and you can get the top number. So this is a little different rule, but if you figure it out, so that's very easy for you to find the answer. So you could get 11 minus 6, you get 5. And 3 minus 1, you get 2. So then you could work out. Use the 6 minus 3, get the question mark. That's a 3, that's a B. And then you check your answer. So you use a 5 minus 3, minus question mark 3, you could get 2. And also the 3 minus 2 in the question mark level, 3 minus 2, you get 1. And 2 minus 1, get 1. So you check your answer. You figure out your rule is right. And you are on the right track. So this is the right answer. So this is the number patterns. And now we are working on the shape patterns. So we also start with a very easy question. So I'll give you one minute to solve this question. Dan, can you read this question? Sure. Luke repeats the same four stickers on a strip. Which is the 10th sticker put down by Luke? A. Penguin B. Frog C. Bear D. Dinosaur E. Dog So let's share the result. Yeah, most of you got the correct answer. So this is a three-point question. It's about the shape patterns. Dan, would you like to review this question? Sure, so we can see it goes in a pattern, a penguin, frog, bear, dinosaur, and it's gonna repeat this. So we're looking for the 10th one, and we know the eighth one's a dinosaur. So after dinosaur, we start over the pattern, since dinosaur is the last one in the pattern. So we go to one, penguin, two, frog, and the question marks on the two, so the answer is frog. Thank you. So you have to pay attention what they ask for. They didn't ask what's coming next. They ask what's coming the 10th. So you have to find the right position. So this is every four you repeat, and you would know you will repeat penguin and frog. So that's the answer. Good work. So let's see the next one. Yeah, Dan, can you read the question? Sure. Draw the next four beads that need to be added to the right side of the string. This one, you do not have it on your handout, I believe. So just watch my screen to solve the problem. And this is a four-point question, and we give you a one-and-a-half minute to solve it. For students who just joined in, just let you know this is a webinar. We will record the whole session and share with you after class. Yeah please select your answer. We wait for a few more responses. Okay let's share the result. Yeah most of you picked the correct answer. That's a C. Yeah um I think this class the students are very good at the patterns. Yeah so this is a color patterns this time. Yeah let's see the solution for this one. We'll quickly go through this one. So here they look for uh what's coming um draw the next four. Remember what they asking for next four. Yeah so you would see the pattern here. So this is actually that's a kind of mixed pattern. So you have the color you have white black white black. So that's repeating the color pattern. And also you have the white beads every time you increase but the black one doesn't increase. Yeah so you have white one you have one white two white three white four white. And every time you have one black between the different amount of the white beads. So then you would figure out what's coming the next four. So you already have three white one black and you need a four white one black. So you already have one white so that means you need a three white and one black. So this is a mixed pattern. So color and also um you know that there is amount changing here. Let's see the next one. Yeah we will work on the color pattern again. Yeah Dan can you read a question? Joanna made a necklace by putting beads on a string following a simple pattern as shown below. What does the part the part of the necklace covered by the white rectangle look like? Please remember your answer choices. We didn't put the picture in the poll, so you have to remember which answer choice you pick. Let's launch the poll for this one. Okay, so let's share the result. Dan, can you explain this question? Oh, you muted it, Dan. So we're looking for a pattern. We see one white bead, one red bead, two white beads, two red beads, three white beads, three red beads. We can extrapolate that every time there's going to be one more white bead and then one more red bead. So we just went after three red beads, so now we should have four white beads. But since we only start with one white bead and we end this segment with two red beads, we should have three white beads and two red beads to make them four and four. So this is also a mixed pattern. So you have a color change and you also have an amount change, but this time both color change amount. Okay, let's see the next question. Yeah, we are working on the shape patterns. So this one, they ask you to draw the figure that is next in the sequence. They give you one, two, three and they give you five choices. What's the next one? So this question might be a little harder. This is a four point question, but I think it's worth five. You need to find out the rule for this question. Okay, remember your answer, and then could you please launch the poll? Yeah, some parents might think we are a little faster or some parents think we are a little slower. So we try our best. We will base on the students' response and we will adjust the pace. We try our best to accommodate to the most students' pace in this class. So if you have worked a little faster, you know, you can try to find other approaches to solve the same problem. OK, let's share. Any more answers for this one? OK, so let's go through the solution. Yeah, you see the result. Most of you pick the right answer. Yeah, most of you pick the right answer. Very good. So the answer is A. Yeah, that's correct. But what's the what's the rule here for this pattern? So you couldn't figure out what they gave it to you. They gave it to you. The first shape is one square. The second shape, they gave you the six squares. And next one, they gave you the five times three. That's 15 squares. And you could see for each each shape they gave to you. You can see there is a row. What's a row? Row means the horizontal direction. Yeah. So you can see the row. Every time you add one more row. Yeah. And also, if you want to see the column. So every time you add how many columns, you add two columns. Is that right? For the first three shapes they gave to you. So now you figure out how they changed. So they added one to each row every time and add two columns to each shape. So now you could figure out. So the next one would be four rows and seven columns. So the answer choice would be A. Yeah, very good. So this is a kind of mixed rules. You'll need to consider both rows and the columns that change. OK, let's see the next question. Dan, could you read the question? Sure. To find her toy, Mary needs to follow the path marked by the following signs in this order. Which toy belongs to Mary? You need to work on your hand out this this picture on the handout. This is a four-point question, yeah. And I think this class you are really good at patterns, so I'll give you one minute to solve this problem, and then we will launch the poll. If you feel the pace is a little faster, so we share the recording with you later, you can work on your own pace to watch the recording. If you think it's a little slower for you, so you might can try different way to solve the same problem. This is a four-point question. You might need to find the different way to figure out which one follow the pattern. So remember the pattern, the order, would be triangle, heart, and diamond. And you also need to follow the way they show you. Some they give you the diagonal way, and some they didn't give it to you. You have to follow the route they already gave to you. Is this question a little challenging? Yeah, I also want to mention, because our class is open to the whole nation, so that's why we use the EST, so it's our class time. So please convert to your local time so you won't get the wrong time for the class. Okay, I think let's share the result. We got multiple responses for this one. Yeah, Dan, would you like to explain this question? Sure, so we need to find the path that leads to a toy if possible. So we start with triangle, of course, and then we go to heart, diamond, triangle, heart, diamond, triangle, heart, diamond, and you just need to find a way that works. And there's a way that works there. Yeah, so there are different approaches. So you try. Yeah, so you would see, you know, there is one way you try to start with each starting point. And follow the pattern to figure it out. Or you can use the end point, like the bear, the ball, the doll, or the basket. So you try the basket, you try from them to go back. But when you go back, you need to figure out, you know, you have to opposite the order of the shapes. So you need to follow the order as a diamond, heart, triangle, and you use opposite order. If you start with the end point, start with the bear, the ball, or the doll. Yeah, so you can follow two ways. So there is, you know, you try to follow the order of the shapes. So there might be multiple trials. Yeah, so you might not find the right, correct route at the first time. So you might try different times. Yeah, so you can see the route here. It definitely follows the route here. Yeah. Okay, let's see the next one. Which kind of square appears most often? So you can see that here, they give you the shapes, the square shapes, and then they give you also choices. So A, B, C, D, and also the E, and they have an equal chance. That means they all have the same amount in the picture. This is also a four-point question, but not very hard, I believe. Yeah, Dan, do you think so? Yeah, not very hard. Yeah. Okay, so we will launch this poll soon. We have four different shapes for this one. And A, B, C, D, that's four different shapes. Let's share the result. Yeah, we also have multiple different responses for this one. But most of you picked the right answer. That's A. Yeah, you are correct. So look at the solution here. Look at the solution here. So you would see here. So what's the rule for this pattern? This is a shape pattern again. So you would see the four different shapes. So you repeat. Yeah, you repeat. You keep repeating. And you can just draw the line. If you want to find the repeating pattern, it's better you draw the separate line for each group of pattern. And then you could figure out that you have a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 group. And then you start a new pattern. Start with the green only. So that means the green one, you have an actual one. So this one is the most appeared. So this is the answer. So this is a repeating pattern. Find out how many full patterns you have and how many actors you have. And then you can compare. Let's see the last question here. Dan, can you read this question? This is a little challenging. Sophie makes a row of 10 houses with matchsticks. In the picture, you can see the beginning of the row. How many matchsticks does Sophie need altogether? Oh, I'm very surprised. You're really good at pattern. So pattern is among the popular types at this level. So if you're good at a pattern, I think you're in the real competition. So you could answer the pattern question well. OK, so let's share the result. Yeah, we got most of you answer the right correct answer. It's a C. So this one involve calculation. I think it may be a little harder for the first graders. So Dan, could you please reveal the solution? Sure. So we see each matchstick house has six matchsticks. But it also shares, but also the first one shares one matchstick and all the other ones share two. So we can basically make every single matchstick house by having the five matchsticks. And then you add. And then by having the five matchsticks that are in the first one not shared with the second one. And the next house, you can include that matchstick and opt the side one. So you get five for each house. But then the last one does have to have the last matchstick. So you have 5 plus 5 plus 5 plus 5 plus 5 plus 1. Or you could add it to one of them and get 6. And you have 51. Yeah, thank you, Dan. Yeah. So this is a pattern. You need to figure out how they change. The first house, you need a sixth stick. But from the second house, you all share the wall with the previous house. That means you only need five more sticks. So you need nine additional houses. So that means that except for the first one, the rest are nine houses. Each one, you need five. So you can use addition. Add all the numbers together. Or if you know multiplication, you can use 5 times 9 plus 6. It also works. Thank you, everyone. So this is our pattern lesson. And I think you're all really good at pattern. And the next class, we will work on the new strategy. And we all want to remind you. So please, later, you could see the recording. And you can review the whole lesson. And we are very happy to work with you today. We hope to see you come back next week. Thank you, Dan. Thank you, everybody. Bye-bye.
Video Summary
The recent webinar, led by instructor Lucia and TA Dan, focused on introducing participants to the concepts and patterns relevant to levels one and two of the Maths Kangaroo Competition. Over the course of ten sessions, attendees will delve into various math strategies, with this initial lesson honing in on pattern recognition. Lucia emphasized that the webinars are recorded for later review and that students are expected to keep their cameras off and microphones muted to maintain privacy, with questions being addressed via chat to Dan.<br /><br />Throughout the session, students engaged with a series of problems designed to test their pattern recognition skills using number and shape sequences. They explored increasing and decreasing numerical patterns, repeating sequences using colors and shapes, and more complex problems like predicting the outcome of a sequence based on initial conditions.<br /><br />A notable point covered was the structure of the Maths Kangaroo Competition, an international mathematics contest keen on encouraging problem-solving and critical thinking skills amongst over 60 million students worldwide. Students from grade one onwards are eligible to participate in this individual test, which occurs annually in March and includes a variety of challenging and thought-provoking questions.<br /><br />The class highlighted the importance of strategies like drawing pictures, identifying patterns, and working backwards, which will be elaborated further in upcoming sessions to aid in tackling more intricate competition questions. The webinar concluded with an emphasis on practicing these skills, using tools like student handouts, and maintaining focus during lessons to maximize learning outcomes.
Maths Kangaroo Competition
pattern recognition
math strategies
critical thinking
international contest
student engagement
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